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脱髮患者生活質量調查,目的:探討影響脱髮患者生活質量的相關因素,進行量化分析,採取適當的心理治療與其他治療相結合。方法:應用皮膚病生活質量指數(dermatology life quality index,DLQI)和流調中心抑鬱量表(center for epidemiologic studies depression scale,CES-D),對507例脱髮患者進行調查評估,採用SPSS13.0統計軟件分析數據。結果:507例脱髮患者DLQI和CES-D分值顯著高於對照組(P<0.05),並且DLQI與CES-D之間存在顯著正相關(r=0.31,P<0.01)。結論:脱髮不僅影響生活質量,而且給患者心理帶來負面作用,所以應及早進行聯合治療,並加大宣傳以提高患者對疾病的認識,有助於疾病的恢復。【作者單位】:南京醫科大學第一附屬醫院皮膚性病科【關鍵詞】:脱髮;生活質量指數;抑鬱【基金】:2007年中華醫學會-歐萊雅中國人健康毛髮研究項目(H2007010210)基金;國家自然科學基金(30571678)資助【分類號】:R758.71【DOI】:CNKI:SUN:LCPF.0.2008-07-005【正文快照】:  髮型和頭髮長短對人外形具有十分重要的作用,脱髮不僅影響外觀,對患者心理也有負面影響,從而影響患者生活質量。本次調查的目的是對常見類型脱髮(雄激素性脱髮和斑禿)患者的生活質量進行量化分析,評估脱髮對患者心理的影響程度,並採取適當的心理治療與其他治療相結合,從而達到 Objective:To survey the life quality of patients with alopecia. Methods: Questionnaire with dermatology life quality index (DLQI) and center for epidemiologic studies depression scale (CES-D) were adopted to assess the life quality and psychological changes for 507 outpatients with alopecia. Results: DLQI and CES-D scores of patients with alopecia were relatively higher than those in the control group (P < 0.05). There was a positive correlation between the CES-D scores and the DLQI scores (r = 0.31, P < 0.01). Conclusion: The life quality of patients with alopecia was significantly reduced, and clinically the majority of patients may have depression so that appropriate psychotherapy and other treatments should be given to them.【Keyword】:alopecia;life quality index;depression

Tags:脱髮 患者